GOD didn’t promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain,
but HE did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears, and
light for the way.
Disappointments are like road humps,
they slow you down a bit but
you enjoy the smooth road afterwards.
Don’t stay on the humps too long. Move on!
When you feel down because
you didn’t get what you want,
just sit tight and be happy,
because GOD is thinking of
something better to give you.
When something happens to you,
good or bad,
consider what it means.
There’s a purpose to life’s events,
to teach you how to laugh more
or not to cry too hard.
You can’t make someone love you,
all you can do is be someone who can be loved,
the rest is up to the person to realize your worth.
What the heart gives away is never gone…
It is kept in the hearts of others.
Remember that great love and great achievements
involve great risks.
Secure a special place in your heart.
A certain place only you can enter.
For there will come a time when you need to find yourself
and only your heart will show you the way.
In life there are very rare chances that you’ll
meet the person you love and loves you in return.
So once you have it don’t ever let go,
the chance might never come your way again.
It’s better to lose your pride to the one you love,
than to lose the one you love because of pride.
We spend so much time looking for the right person to love
or finding fault with those we already love,
when instead we should be perfecting the love we give.
When you truly care for someone,
you don’t look for faults,
you don’t for answers,
you don’t look for mistakes.
Instead, you fight the mistakes,
you accept the faults and you overlook excuses.
Never abandon an old friend.
You will never find one who can take his place.
Friendship is like wine,
it gets better as it grows older.
Five rules to be happy :
1. Free your heart from hatred;
2. Free your mind from worries;
3. Live simply;
4. Give more;
5. Expect less.